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EMS Angels Awards | All The Winners

Congratulations to all the winners of this year's EMS Angels Awards.
Angels team 17 October 2022

A year ago, the inaugural EMS Angels Awards recognised nine EMS teams for excellence in prehospital stroke care. At EUSEM in Berlin on Sunday 16 October, that number had grown to 58. 

The second EMS Angels Awards covered the period Q4 2021 – Q3 2022. Entries were received from 57 teams in nine countries, 20 of whom were presented with a diamond award. There were 21 platinum and 16 gold awards.



Q1 | Italy – Centrale Operativa 118 Emilia Est Bologna Italy | Spain – Sem Cataluña | Spain – Centro Emergencias Sanitarias 061 Córdoba | Spain – Provincial Ourense | Spain – Provincial Cáceres | Spain – Servicio Riojano De Salud | Spain – Centro Emergencias Sanitarias 061 Málaga | Q2 | Czech – Zdravotnická Záchranná Služba Zlínského Kraje | Czech – Zdravotnická Záchranná Služba Moravskoslezského Kraje | Czech – Zdravotnická Záchranná Služba Jihomoravského Kraje | Czech – Zdravotnická Záchranná Služba Ústeckého Kraje | Hungary – National Ambulance Service (Southern Great Plain Region) | Italy – Centrale Operativa 118 Emilia Est Bologna Italy | Poland – Wojewódzka Stacja Pogotowia Ratunkowego W Przemyślu | Romania - Serviciul De Ambulanţă Judeţean Bihor | Slovakia – Rzp, A.S. Trenčín | Slovakia – Záchranná Služba Košice Región Trebišov A Michalovce | Spain – Fundación Pública Urxencias Sanitarias De Galicia – 061 | Q3 | Romania – Serviciul De Ambulanţă Bucureşti – Ilfov | Slovakia – Zamed |



Q4 | Italy – Centrale Operativa 118 Lecce Italy | Italy – Centrale Operativa 118 Emilia Est Bologna Italy | Italy – Centrale Operativa 118 Firenze-Prato | Portugal – Inem | Slovakia – Zamed | Q1 | Hungary – National Ambulance Service (Southern Great Plain Region) | Italy – Centrale Operativa 118 Firenze-Prato | Romania – Serviciul De Ambulanţă Judeţean Sibiu | Romania – Serviciul De Ambulanţă Judeţean Harghita | Spain – Centro Emergencias Sanitarias 061 Almería | Spain – Centro Emergencias Sanitarias 061 Sevilla | Ukraine – Communal Enterprise “Volyn Regional Center Of Emergency Medical Aid And Disaster Medicine” Of The Volyn Regional Council | Q2 | Czech – Zdravotnická Záchranná Služba Parubického Kraje | Czech – Zdravotnická Záchranná Služba Jihočeského Kraje | Italy – Centrale Operativa 118 Lecce Italy | Italy – Centrale Operativa 118 Novara Italy | Poland - Zoz W Bolesławcu Zrm | Poland – Wojewódzka Stacja Ratownictwa Medycznego W Łodzi | Slovakia – Zamed | Q3 | Poland – Pogotowie Ratunkowe W Wałbrzychu | Poland – Wojewódzka Stacja Pogotowia Ratunkowego W Rzeszowie |



Q4 | Ukraine – Сommunal Noncommercial Enterprise Of Kharkiv Regional Council “Emergency Medical Care And Disaster Medicine Center” | Q1 | Hungary – National Ambulance Service (Central Hungary Region) | Italy - 118 Emilia Est Modena | Spain – Centro Emergencias Sanitarias 061 Cádiz | Spain – Summa 112 Madrid | Spain – Centro Emergencias Sanitarias 061 Jaén | Spain – Centro Emergencias Sanitarias 061 Huelva | Ukraine – Zhytomyr Regional Center Council's Communal Non-Profit Enterprise “Emergency And Catastrophe Medical Assistance Center” | Q2 | Hungary – National Ambulance Service (Southern Transdanubia Region) | Hungary – National Ambulance Service (Northern Hungary Region) | Hungary – National Ambulance Service (Central Hungary Region) | Hungary – National Ambulance Service (Central Transdanubia Region) | Hungary – National Ambulance Service (Western Transdanubia Region) | Italy - 118 Emilia Est Modena | Italy – Uoc Centrale Operativa 118 Venezia | Italy - Emilia Est Bologna |


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