The 100 Angels Regions strategy is a bold plan to make the world safe for stroke.

27 / 100 converted regions

100 regions

An Angels region is one in which community awareness, EMS partnerships and acute hospital care are all optimized to deliver better outcomes for stroke patients. It requires hospitals, emergency services, local authorities and public educators to work in concert to provide safe hands for stroke patients in their communities.

But this can only be achieved by acting in unison: if one doesn’t do it, no-one can do it.

The 100 Angels Regions strategy sets one goal for everyone and transforms collective good will into shared purpose.

Angels Regions

Country Region
Brazil Quixeramobim
Brazil Curitiba
Brazil Serra Talhada
Brazil Gravataí
Brazil Sapucaia do Sul
Brazil Joinville
Brazil Ituverava
Brazil Ribeirão Preto
Chile Del Reloncaví
Czech Republic Ústecký kraj
Czech Republic Jihomoravský kraj
Czech Republic Jihočeský kraj
Czech Republic Moravskoslezský kraj
Czech Republic Karlovarský kraj
Hungary Baranya
Italy Savona
Poland Olsztyński
Poland Nowotarski
Portugal Algarve
Spain Almería
Spain Lleida
Spain Albacete
Ukraine Khmelnytskyi Raion
Ukraine Shepetivka Raion
Ukraine Kamianets-Podilskyi Raion
Vietnam Đà Nẵng
Vietnam Hồ Chí Minh 1
Goal #1
Goal #2
Goal #3
Goal #4

Angels Regions

100 Angels Regions

Goal #1

Sign up schools 

  • Awareness education must meet an agreed target for FAST Heroes implementation* in elementary schools in the region.
  • The target is calculated based on stroke incidence (number of new cases per population) in the region.
  • Children who participate in the FAST Heroes programme are each tasked with educating two grandparents.
  • Therefore, the number of FAST Heroes participants required for gold status is 0,5 of stroke incidence in the region.
  • Please support FAST Heroes implementation by collaborating with local authorities and local patient support organizations to reach more schools and your expertise with FAST Heroes agencies and teachers where applicable.

Goal #2

Achieve gold status in the 
EMS Angels Awards

EMS Angels logo
  • To meet the criterion for Angels Regions, EMS companies must achieve a minimum of gold in the EMS Angels Awards.
  • To become eligible for an EMS Angels award, your EMS must first comply with a set of inclusion criteria.
  • Next, data must be collected for at least 30 consecutive patients transported per quarter.
  • The data has to be captured in RES-Q where you will be notified of your provisional award status.
  • Your award status will be confirmed once your submission has been reviewed and approved by the national coordinator.
  • Note that to qualify for an award, performance must meet awards criteria based on international guidelines and the experience of our international EMS Steering Committee.

Goal #3

WSO Logo
ESO Logo

Have enough 
stroke-ready hospitals

  • To become an Angels Region, you must reach regional targets for hospitals coverage.
  • The optimal number of stroke-ready hospitals in any given region is determined by population and geography and agreed with the regional coordinator.
  • This number is known as the regionally agreed target.
  • If a region falls short of its regionally agreed target, the priority action will be to increase the number of stroke-ready hospitals.
  • The Angels Initiative will help your region reach hospital coverage targets through a process of consultation, standardization, training and quality monitoring, supported by the stroke community in the region.
  • Consider sharing your own knowledge and resources to help other hospitals in your region reach stroke-ready status.

Goal #4

WSO Logo
ESO Logo

Get all hospitals  
to gold in the ESO/WSO Angels Awards

  • To reach Angels Region status, all hospitals in the stroke network must achieve at least gold status in the WSO/ESO Angels Awards.
  • WSO/ESO Angels Awards are awarded quarterly to hospitals that meet a set of criteria based on international guidelines.
  • To become eligible for an award, hospitals must capture treatment data for at least 30 consecutive stroke patients per quarter.
  • Data must be captured in RES-Q or SITS.
  • Your awards status will be confirmed once your submission has been reviewed and approved by your national coordinator.
  • Diamond award winners are honoured in an awards ceremony that takes place during ESOC/WSC.

Honours wall

The Angels Initiative is proud to honour the winners of the ESO and WSO Angels Awards, the EMS Angels Awards and the Spirit of Excellence Awards.